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The importance of visual inspection equipment in the production of automation industry?

May 14, 2021

At present, automation technology is developing rapidly at home and abroad, and the understanding of machine vision inspection in various fields is more profound. Visual inspection equipment plays an increasingly important role in the field of intelligent manufacturing automation. The application of visual inspection technology can better control, improve product quality, reduce production costs, and the corresponding manual inspection has a higher use value. As a result, more and more enterprises pay attention and favor.

So what are the categories and applications of visual detection?

1. Plastic bottle testing machine

Application: Suitable for dairy bottles, daily chemical bottles, mineral water beverage bottles, cosmetics bottles and other transparent or non-transparent bottles; Main detection: detection of flash, lack of materials, black spots, dirt, uneven thickness, deformation and other defects;

2. Medicine bottle testing machine

Application: Suitable for testing medicinal solid bottles, eye drops bottles, syrup bottles, health care products bottles, etc.

Main detection: detection of flash, lack of materials, black spots, dirt, uneven thickness, deformation and other defects;

3. Bottle cap testing machine

Application: Suitable for dairy bottle caps, water beverage bottle caps, daily chemical bottle caps, wine caps, etc.

Main detection: detection of deformation, flash, lack of materials, black spots, dirt and other defects;

4. Medicinal bottle cap testing machine

Application: Suitable for testing medicinal solid bottle caps, medicinal ointment caps, eye drops caps, health care product caps, etc.

Main detection: detection of deformation, flash, lack of material, black spots, dirt, bad gaskets and double gaskets and other defects;

5. In-mold label detection machine

Application: Suitable for all kinds of mold labeling containers: yogurt cups, bowls, bottles and cans;

Main detection: detection of label location, size, deformation, lack of materials, dirt and other defects (optional);

6. Bottle embryo detection machine

Application: Suitable for various specifications of bottle embryo: water embryo, wide mouth embryo;

Main detection: detection of deformation, flash, black spots, bubbles, defects, wire drawing and other defects;

7. Spray pump detection machine

Application: Suitable for all kinds of foam pump, emulsion pump, pistol pump, spray pump, etc.

Main detection: detection of missing, scratch, crush, dirt, lack of materials and other bad

8. Printing graphic detection machine

Application: Suitable for all kinds of bottles, cans, hoses and other packaging printing quality and appearance quality inspection;

Main detection: detection of leakage, misprinting, displacement, blur, double image, dirt and other defects; .

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The importance of visual inspection equipment

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